Grandville Pediatric Dentists West Michigan

Hospital Dentistry

Pediatric Hospital Dentistry Grandville Mi

For some children, dental treatment under general anesthesia in a hospital or an outpatient facility may be the only available method to deliver necessary oral health care to your child.

General anesthesia is a safe dental option for children of all ages, from infants to adolescents. However, our dentists reserve this treatment for patients that meet certain criteria. You can trust our dentists at Grandville Pediatric Dentistry to only recommend hospital dentistry if it is necessary for the health of your child.

Recommending Hospital Dentistry

Our pediatric dentists will evaluate your child’s dental prognosis as well as any personal or cognitive factors before recommending hospital dentistry. We evaluate each patient individually so we can offer them the best dental care for their situation, whether that’s in our office or in a hospital setting.

Contributing factors to our recommendation include:

  • Extensive treatment needs
  • Acute situational anxiety
  • Uncooperative age-appropriate behavior
  • Immature cognitive functioning
  • Disabilities
  • Special medical conditions

Please ask our dentists if you have any questions regarding your child’s treatment under general anesthesia. We want to make sure both you and your child feel confident about the recommended treatment plan so we can ensure a positive patient experience.

Other Sedation Options

When we use general anesthesia in dentistry, we make sure to do it in a hospital setting in the interest of patient safety and care. Patients will be fully unconscious during dental treatment that utilizes general anesthesia.

However, some patients simply need to feel a bit more relaxed during their procedure, not fully asleep. We also offer in-office oral sedation dentistry for patients who just need help staying calm at the dentist.

Our dentists will typically recommend sedation dentistry over hospital dentistry unless general anesthesia is absolutely necessary for your child’s dental treatment. Ask our dentists if you have questions about the difference between sedation dentistry and hospital dentistry and which one is right for your child.

Learn More

Our Grandville, MI, pediatric dentists can answer your questions about hospital dentistry for your child. To learn more, call Grandville Pediatric Dentistry at (616) 531-3430, or contact us online.

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